Window Washing

What We Can Do

McKenzie Window Cleaning services can come and provide you a free quotation and discuss step by step how your property can be cleaned safely, efficiently and professionally.

McKenzie Window Cleaning understands what you want

  • Pure Waterfed extension poles with variety of brush heads to properly agitate the dirt from the windows and close off with a streak free rinse
  • Variety of extension poles for hard to reach internal windows
  • Multiple ladders (extension, little step and A Frame step) for hard to reach external and internal windows
  • Clean and well-kept equipment
  • Soap applicator and squeegee inc all manner of rags for the spot free window cleaning
  • Research – always on the look out for the latest equipment that provide the very best services

We do our best to safely access and clean your windows. Let us come and speak to you in person and do a little walk around your property

Questions you asked about window cleaning…

How much does it cost to clean the windows?

There so many variables to window cleaning costs. We will come and view your house and look at all the windows or gutters (Or if it is a commercial property for window cleaning, gutter cleaning, or strata cleaning services) We will want to look at ease of access, whether any ladders are required, or pure water fed brush poles for any high or difficult access windows. Be confident in receiving a fair price for your clean!

Is professional window cleaning worth it?

Absolutely window washing is worth it! Windows and gutters in particular are the presentation pieces of your residential home or commercial business. We want to see the windows sparkling clean and the gutters free of any leaves and debris. Getting these cleans done professionally saves you many hours of time, frees you from high ladder work and expensive equipment. You can also prevent damage to the windows as dirt and dust and other particles over time can etch into the glass. Replacing windows is very costly!

How often should you have windows cleaned?

This will vary depending on where your home or business is located. Sometimes windows are more affected than others due to the direction they face or how close they are to the main road or other factors. This will apply to gutter cleaning too. Are there great overhanging trees close by? Homes typically can be cleaned every 3-4 months or even 6 months to annual cleans. We recommend no less than 6 monthly for domestic homes so that they are nice and clean to see through and free of any debris, dust, bird droppings and to ensure they are not so dirty annually that the windows end up with any damage or costly larger cleaning

How long does window cleaning last?

This will depend again on the position of your windows in your home or business. It will depend on how accessible the glass is to hands and pets. Keep an out for common areas like foyer or sliding doors to the outside – these can be busy thoroughfares! Run your finger on outside window glass and see if dust or grime are visible. Perhaps not so visible to the eye but your fingers tell the real story. It could be a few months since your last clean or several months.

Balcony Glass BEFORE
Balcony Glass AFTER